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Child Protection Officer (CM & PSS) - Beirut (Internal Only)


  • Organization: IRC - International Rescue Committee
  • Location: Beirut
  • Grade: Mid level - Mid level
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Public Health and Health Service
    • Social Affairs
    • Children's rights (health and protection)
    • Civil Society and Local governance
    • Protection Officer (Refugee)
    • Gender-based violence
    • Disability Rights
  • Closing Date:

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world's worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic wellbeing, and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Founded in 1933 at the call of Albert Einstein, the IRC is one of the world's largest international humanitarian non-governmental organizations (INGO), at work in more than 40 countries and 29 U.S. cities helping people to survive, reclaim control of their future and strengthen their communities. A force for humanity, IRC employees deliver lasting impact by restoring safety, dignity and hope to millions. If you're a solutions-driven, passionate change-maker, come join us in positively impacting the lives of millions of people world-wide for a better future.

The IRC Child Protection program is seeking a Child Protection Officer to ensure the good deliveryofChildProtectionactivitiesall over Lebanon.

Major Responsibilities: The Child Protection Officer will be responsible for technical support and supervision and will act as a focal point for local program partners. TheChild Protection Officer will be supporting the design, set-up monitoring, and evaluation of the program in the North and Bekaa and also in other governorates within the scope of the program,ensuring timely, effective, and quality programming by sharing tools and resources and providing capacity-buildingsupport and on-the-job coaching to the child protection staff recruited by IRC and IRC’s local partner. The Child Protection officer will work closely with the Child Protection Specialist and the Child Protection Support Manager, to superviseandmonitorthe project implementations, and provide the required capacity building to IRC’s partners, and local partners.


  • Support the design, set-up, monitoring, and evaluation of the child protection PsychosocialSupport, and Case management activities implemented by IRC CP’Partners in the North and Bekaa.
  • Provide capacity-building support, on-the-job coaching, and technical supervision of the Child Protection case management staff of the partner team on the implementation of center-based and mobile outreach psychosocial supportactivities (including night shifts on a rotational basis depending on the situation) and Casemanagement activities
  • Support the development of Psychosocial Support, and Case management tools,resources, andlessonslearned of partners in Bekaa and North.
  • Develop psychosocial support tools specific to the street and working children, including the development of activity modulesin closeconsultationwith the CP Specialist and CP support Manager.
  • Ensure monitoring, evaluation, and accountability tools are utilized and completed accordingly by thePsychosocialSupport, andCasemanagementteamofthe partners.
  • Seek opportunities for close coordination and collaboration with IRC programs(,Earlychildhooddevelopment,protectionandwomen’sprotectionandempowerment, MHPSS, Protection) to ensure smooth mainstreaming and integration of Child protection across sectors.
  • Ensure that all cases of children at risk of or affected by exploitation, abuse, neglect, and violence areimmediately supported bythe partner's casemanagementteamin both areas.
  • Support in the planning, organization, and implementation of targeted awareness-raising and advocacy events in close coordination with the CP Managers.
  • Monitor the implementation of IRC’s localpartner inBekaa and North through weekly follow-up and monitoring visits.
  • Ensure the referring CP team receives the needed services from local partners in Bekaa and North and by other CP agencies and non-CP agencies.
  • Write and send out weekly and monthly reports to the CP Specialist and keep the child protection manager informed, promptly.
  • Actively participate in all relevant working group meetings as well as bilateral meetings with other agencies once needed and requested.
  • Deliver, based on the needs, a set of Training of Trainers (ToT) with the support of the CP Specialist, to the child protection actors on IRC curriculums.
  • Design and Co-design training packages for community stakeholders from different backgrounds (non-CP aid workers, community volunteers, networks, municipal police, camp representatives, etc.…) on different CP topics (child safeguarding, safe identification and referrals, communication with the children, etc.….).
  • Mainstream child protection concepts in other humanitarian sectors via training the non-CP actors on the relevant topics.
  • Integrate and mainstream child labor component into other sectors to work holistically and comprehensively for the best interest of the child ( other sectors i.e. education, Cash, protection, MHPSS, and livelihood).


  • Fill out observationchecklistswheneverconductingfieldvisits.
  • Compile weekly and monthly reportsofactivities.
  • Hold case audit and case closure interviews for CP cases under case management at IRC’s partners.
  • Attend case reviews, case meetings internally, and case conferences with external agencies.
  • Ensure having all M&E tools for PSS activities are in place.
  • Follow up and report on referrals.
  • Follow up on the case management database.
  • Close follow-up on partners’ CP technical capacity progress.
  • Close Follow on the Field observations and the PSS facilitators ‘progress.


  • Coach, train, and mentor staff to strengthen their technical capacity, exchange knowledge withintheteamandprovideprofessional developmentguidance
  • Supervise and mentor direct-report staff, including recruiting, communicating clear expectations, settingperformance objectives, providing regular and timely performance feedback, and leading documented semi-annualperformancereviews.
  • Provideconstructive feedbackandcounselonappropriatecareerpathsandprofessionaldevelopment.
  • Promote and monitor staff care and well-being; approve and manage all leave requests to ensure adequatecoverage.


  • Consistently and proactively monitor/assess the safety and security of field teams; promptly reporting concernsor incidents to IRC management and liaising with community leaders and other external parties as required tomaintain/enhancethe securityenvironment for IRC programs.
  • Otherdutiesasassigned bythe CP Specialist to enableanddeveloptheprogram.
  • Comply with IRC policies and practices concerning child protection, code of conduct, health and safety, equalopportunities, andotherrelevant policies andprocedures.


  • PositionReportstoCPSpecialist
  • Indirect Reporting:Child Protection Support Manager
  • OtherInternaland/orexternalcontacts:CPCoordinator,CP manager,M&E team.
  • The positiondirectlysupervises: N/A
    • Internal: OtherIRCprogramsinthefield
    • External:otherNGOs


Minimum Qualifications:



  • BAinPsychology,socialwork, humanrights,or relateddegreepreferred.
  • Minimumoftwotothreeyearsexperienceinimplementingchildprotectionprogramspreferablypsychosocialactivities,social work,orcasemanagement,inhumanitarianordevelopmentsettings.
  • Experienceincapacity building,conductingtraining,on-the-jobcoaching,andtechnicalsupervision.
  • Demonstrated experience in delivering Training of Trainers (ToTs) on child protection topics.
  • Demonstratedexperienceinplanningandconductingchildren’s psychosocialsupport activities.
  • Demonstrated experience in child labor and working with children is a mandatory requirement.
  • Basic knowledge of working across sectors for Child labor i.e. livelihood and cash coordination, integration, and referrals.
  • Knowledgeable or/and experience in Child Protection Case Management and its National SOPs.
  • Abilityto workonthe streetsupportingpsychosocialactivities forstreetandworkingchildren.
  • Demonstratedunderstandingofworkingwithchildrenparticularlyvulnerablechildren.
  • Goodcommunicationskillswithchildrenparticularlyvulnerablechildren.
  • Strongdraftingandreportingskills.
  • KnowledgeandexperienceinusingandupdatingExceldatabases.
  • ProficientinMicrosoftWordandExcel.
  • Fluencyin writtenandspokenArabicandEnglish.
  • Personalqualities:Team player,flexible,able to handle pressurewell,andworkincross-culturalsettings.
  • Staunchadvocateofchildprotectionandchildrights.


  • Team player, flexible, network-builder, able to handle pressure, enjoying working in the fieldAbilitytodeveloppartnerships,network,andattend a coordinationmeeting.
  • Goodcommunicationskills.


  • Fluencyin writingandtypingin ArabicandEnglish is mandatory.


  • ProficientinWordandExcel.

WorkingEnvironment:Officework, fieldtrips, and visits to partners.

Standard of Professional Conduct:The IRC and the IRC workers must adhere to the values and principles outlined in the IRC Way – our Code of Conduct. These are Integrity, Service, Accountability, and Equality.
We do our best to provide you the most accurate info, but closing dates may be wrong on our site. Please check on the recruiting organization's page for the exact info. Candidates are responsible for complying with deadlines and are encouraged to submit applications well ahead.
Before applying, please make sure that you have read the requirements for the position and that you qualify.
Applications from non-qualifying applicants will most likely be discarded by the recruiting manager.