Cash Transfer Program Officer
- Organization: IRC - International Rescue Committee
- Location: Tigray
- Grade: Level not specified - Level not specified
Occupational Groups:
- Cash-Based Interventions
- Project and Programme Management
- Closing Date:
The IRC has a focus on narrowing the gender gap in humanitarian aid and ensuring that we contribute to gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in both our programs and operations by working to establish a context where our clients (including those from minority groups) enjoy the same rights and opportunities as well as an equal access to services. The IRC also has a strong commitment to creating an equitable and inclusive culture, where safeguarding is upheld in our workplace and programs. We are determined to protect our clients and staff from safeguarding violations through prevention and, where misconduct is alleged, to address it without fear or favor.
Job Overview:
The IRC is hiring a Cash Transfer Program Officer to support households affected by crisis and drought in Ethiopia's Tigray region. This role involves planning, implementing, and following up of cash transfer programs to aid communities in need.
Major Responsibilities Include:
- Supporttheimplementation ofcash transferprogramactivities byclosely collaboratingwiththefieldcoordinator and team,alongwith thehelp of theERD coordinatorinAddis.
- Leadtheprocessof identifyingbeneficiary communities/targetingbased on robustand participatorycriteria,assistotherCTPstaffs,ifany and implement cashtransferprojectat grassrootlevelfollowingIRCSOPforcash.
- Maintainmasterbeneficiarieslist/database.
- Establishandsupervisecashdelivery mechanismsfor IRCindesignated project areas.
- Workclosely with financialservicedelivery (FSP) and MobileNetwork Operators.
- Ensurethat narrativesandfinancialreportingare deliveredinaccordancewith IRC and donorcontractualrequirements, within theagreed timescale and budget.
- Additional tasks as assigned by the supervisor to enable and develop IRC programs
- Frequentfield visitstotargeted woredasis required
Project Implementation
- Leadcommunity-based targetingandverification of thebeneficiariesprogram participants.
- Maintain andadaptaMasterdatabaseforallbeneficiariesoftheprogramsin theproject location.
- PreparePurchaseRequestsforprogramsupplies/activitiesand liaisonwithfield SC andfinanceteamtoundertakefield procurement asdesignated and authorized.
- MaintainindividualdatabasesforindividualtransferprogramsincludingIssues verificationand payment lists.
- Maintainrecordsofpaymentsandfollow-upforallbeneficiarylistsbutalsofor individualbeneficiaries.
- Plan, implement,monitorcash forworkactivities.
- Developcash distributionplans, supervise, andevaluatetheon-spotcash distribution process.
- Setupandstrengthen beneficiariescompliant feedbackmechanismswith relevantinternalpartners.
- Providecash transfersensitizationsessionsfortargeted householdsandother partners.
External Coordination
- Participateinzonalcashcoordinationand otherhumanitariancoordination platforms atthefield level.
- WorkwithSafety andSecurity colleaguestodevelopand implementeffective safety and security proceduresforspecific cash transferprogrammingactivities.
- ProvidetimelytechnicalsupporttotheIRC’s implementingpartners;maintain respectful and constructive relations with partner staff.
- AlignwithIRC's Globalpolicies,includingWhistleblowing,Fraud,andSafety.
- Guidetheteamwithregard todatacollection andanalysis.
- RepresenttheIRCon Cashcoordinationmeetingsatdifferentlevelslikeregion, zone,and woreda.
- Identify and workclosely withFinancialServiceProviders (FSP).
Internal Coordination
- Maintainadequatecommunication andcoordination within theteamand with otherAssistancedepartmentswhen planningdatacollection activities.
- Contributetotheset-upand conduct of needs assessmentsfocusingondata collection forcash transferprogramsintheprojectlocation.
- Updatetheirdirectsuperioron datacollectionactivitiesinrelation toplanned andongoing cash activitiesof otherhumanitarian actors inEthiopia.
- Ensure and putinplacethenecessary complaint management andresponse mechanisms incollaboration withMEALstaff.
Project Monitoring and Reporting
- Assistinthecollectionofdata,conductassessments, and provideinputfor conceptnote/proposaldevelopment for thecash transferproject.
- Superviseprogressagainstthegrant work plan;promptly identifyingany current orpotentialdelays.
- Ensureallmonitoringactivitiesarefully documented,includingdetailedand timelydatacollectionasrequired.
Capacity Building and Coaching
- Raiseawarenessamongcommunities,government partners,andlocal collaborators aboutcash responsesasan effectivemodality.
- Traincommunityfacilitators, supervised staff,and othersonCash Transfer Programming (CTP).
- MentorFSP tomeethumanitarian principlesduring theCashResponseprogram.
Coordination and Representation
- RepresenttheIRCinvariouscoordinationmeetings
- Workinconcert with thecashworkinggroup toeffectchanges&directions
Safeguarding Responsibilities: -
- Promote and actively participate in initiatives and efforts to build team engagement, inclusion and cohesion in IRC [team/office]
- Foster ongoing learning, honest dialogue and reflection to strengthen safeguarding and to promote IRC values and adherence to IRC policies.
Educational Requirements:
- Bachelor’s degree and postgraduate degree in social science (economics, agriculture economics, Marketing, Rural Development, Banking, Project Management) or similar with relevant experience of the position demand.
Preferred experience & skills
- 2 years for bachelor’s degree and 1 year of experience for postgraduates and 5 years of experience for diploma holders.
- Shown abilities on cash-based programs.
- INGO experience is a plus.
- Promotes teamwork, comfortable in a multi-cultural environment, flexible, and able to perform well under pressure.
- Relevant work experience in the field of cash transfer, particularly working with women, youth and unaccompanied & Separated children.
- Experience and/or knowledge in the design and implementation of CVA programming is an asset.
- Excellent communication skills and able to work in a diverse cultural environment.
- Adherence to IRC Code of Conduct understands other international development guidelines.
- Works well in and promotes collaboration in a multi-cultural environment, flexible, and able to work under pressure well.
- Good communication and social skills.
Language Skills:
- Strong oral and written communications skills in English, Amharic and ability to speak local language is advantageous.
IRC is an equal employment opportunity employer.IRC considers all applicants on the basis of merit without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status or disability.
Professional Standards: The IRC and IRC workers must adhere to the values and principles outlined in IRC Way - Standards for Professional Conduct. These are Integrity, Service, and Accountability. In accordance with these values, the IRC operates and enforces policies on Beneficiary Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Anti Workplace Harassment, Fiscal Integrity Anti-Retaliation and Combating Trafficking in Persons
Commitment to Gender, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: The IRC is committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, respectful, and safe work environment where all persons are treated fairly, with dignity and respect. The IRC expressly prohibits and will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or bullying of the IRC persons in any work setting. We aim to increase the representation of women, people that are from country and communities we serve, and people who identify as races and ethnicities that are under-represented in global power structures.
Applications from non-qualifying applicants will most likely be discarded by the recruiting manager.