This policy applies to the HQ in Stockholm, all other offices and our affiliated contractors shall take the policy into account.
How we commute environmentally friendly to and from the office
Impactpool’s staff members and affiliated contractors (hereinafter referred as to employee) are encouraged to use the most environmentally friendly option when commuting to and from an Impactpool office.
We recommend the use of a bicycle, subway, train or other commuting options with as low CO2/GHG emissions as possible.
For more information about travel - read our travel policy
How we minimize our negative environmental footprint while at the office
At Impactpool we always strive to save energy and minimize our negative environmental impact;
At Impactpool we only purchase and use renewable energy.
If we cannot choose our own energy provider, we will strive to influence eg. the landlord to do so;
We turn off the lights when we are the last one leaving a room, and when we leave for the day
When leaving the office - we turn off computers and screens, always avoid standby;
For appliances in need of batteries, we use rechargeable batteries;
We allow a dress-code that is aligned with the season, lighter clothing in summer and warmer in the winter, reducing the need of heating/cooling.
How we recycle and sustainably use natural resources
At Impactpool we always strive to use our natural resources sustainable;
We sort and recycle our waste. We recycle paper/cardboard, plastic, glass, metal, light-bulbs, batteries etc. Staff are requested to actively take part in recycling.
Other types of recyclables are stored, to be recycled at recycling centers.
We replace broken old light-bulbs with environmentally friendly light-bulbs, and;
We avoid printing. If printing is needed, printing on both sides is encouraged;
At Impactpool we primarily purchase second-hand furniture and equipment. Equipment required to reach the most optimal impact in our business can be purchased new.
Re-usable towels are always offered, paper towels are an alternative
We take environmental aspects into account when purchasing office supplies such as soap, cleaning detergents, toilet paper, printing paper etc.
How we minimize food waste and support local and organic producers
At Impactpool we always strive to use our natural resources sustainable;
When Impactpool purchases food and beverages for events or staff activities, environmental impact shall be taken into account, locally and organically produced must always be the first choice. There shall always be vegetarian options offered.
The default for purchase of milk is vegetable-based products. When we buy cow’s milk it is organic.
All coffee purchased is at the minimum organic, and preferably fair-trade marked.
We use a coffee thermos to minimize the waste of coffee