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Energy Officer

Abéché | N'Djamena

  • Organization: MSB - Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap
  • Location: Abéché | N'Djamena
  • Grade: Level not specified - Level not specified
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Renewable Energy sector
  • Closing Date: Closed

Energy Officer


The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) recruits committed and skilled experts for our humanitarian, resilience and peace support operations worldwide on a daily basis. We have great experience on working together and strengthening other organisations for example the UN and the EU in crisis, conflicts or other disasters.

MSB is currently looking for an Energy Officer for a mission to Abeche, Chad. Durations for the mission is 12 months, with start as soon as possible.

Chad is situated at the confluence of simultaneous and overlapping conflicts in the Sahel, the Lake Chad basin, Western Darfur and the Central African Republic. This regional instability and insecurity directly afftects Chad's operational environment. This has futher been exacerbated by the influx of refugees from Sudan. UNHCR has been asked by the local authorities to help with relocating the new arrivals from villages near the border to established camps and to provide them with better living conditions. The various refugee communities as well as most of the Chadian population, in Chad, do not have access to light and energy, especially for cooking. The main source of cooking energy comes from wood which is leading to depletion of the very scares resource and creating tension with local communities. Only 3% of the population in Chad have access to clean cooking fuel and technology. UNHCR is planning to test standard solar pumping design and the upgrade of handpumps to solar pumping in both camps and host communities. The plan is to also set-up a solar training centre to create a pool of technicians for the maintenance. In line with UNHCR Global Strategy for Sustainable Energy, the Strategic Framework for Climate Action and the recently launched Operational Strategy for Climate Resillience and Environmental Sustainability 2022-2025, the core aim of this mission is to support UHNCR Chad during this transformative journey aimed at brining energy to the refugee camps and their host communities in the most remote areas of the country where the access to electricity remains close to nil. The enhancement of the electricity access and improving energy systems reliability and supply in Chad is considered a key element in the development of Chad itself. All UNHCR's interventions will then have a "nexus approach" imbibed in from the start.

Employed by the MSB, as an Energy Officer on an international mission, you will receive a monthly salary of 62 250 SEK/month as well as a comprehensive allowances and benefits package, ranging from free home leave travel to access to psychosocial support.

Introduction swedish

MSB arbetar dagligen med att kompetensförsörja insatser runt om i världen. Vi har stor erfarenhet av att samarbeta och stärka andra organisationer som exempelvis FN och EU i katastrof- och konfliktsituationer.

MSB söker nu en Energi expert för insats till Abeche, Chad. Insatsen är på 12 månader, med start så snart som möljligt.

Chad ligger mitt i ett område med mycket konflikter i närliggande länder. Instabiliteten och osäkerheten i området har en stor påverkan på Chad. Läget har nu försämrats pga kriget i Sudan och flyktingar som kommer därifrån. UNHCR har blivit ombedda av myndigheterna i området att hjälpa till med att flytta alla anländade flyktingar bort ifrån de byar som ligger närmast gränsen till faktiska flyktingläger där de kan få bättre levnadsstandard. De flesta flyktinglägren och även många av Chads egna befolkning har inte tillgång till energi, speciellt för matlagning. Det vanligaste sättet att laga mat är över vedeldade brasor vilket då leder till avverkning av träd och skog som redan är utsatta, vilket leder till problem mellan flyktingar och befolkningen i byarna. Bara 3% av Chads befolkning har tillgång till miljösmart matlagningsenergi och teknologi. UNHCR vill pröva att använda pumpar som drivs av solenergi både för byarna med lokallbefolkning och till flyktingarna. De planerar också att sätta upp ett träningscentrum för att lära upp tekniker som kan sköta pumparna. I linje med UNCHRs UNHCR Global Strategy for Sustainable Energy, the Strategic Framework for Climate Action och den nylanserade Operational Strategy for Climate Resillience and Environmental Sustainability 2022-2025, är projektets mål att stötta UNHCR Chad under denna omvälvande resa med att få fram energi till flyktinglägren och deras värdsamhällen i de mest avlägsna områdena i Chad där det i stort sett inte finns någon elektricitet överhuvudtaget. Att uppgradera tillgången till elektricitet och förbättra energitillgångens pålitlighet i Chad är en stor faktor i att utveckla Chad i sig självt. Alla UNHCRs initiativ kommer ha en "nexus stil" ifrån början.

Som anställd hos MSB för ett internationellt projekt som Energy Expert så kommer du få en månadslön på 62 250 kr/mån likväl som ett stort utbud av förmåner som spänner ifrån gratis hemresor till tillgång till psykosocialt stöd.

Vi värderar vår insatspersonals välbefinnande högt och du kommer att ha tillgång till stödfunktioner inom hälsa och säkerhet från MSB dygnet runt när du är på insats.


Working as key player in a multi-functional Energy team, and under the overall supervision of the Head of Sub Office in Abeche, the deployee will:
• Carry out, in coordination with the Energy team of Abeche, technical assessments of energy systems in camp-based infrastructures used by refugees and their host communities (including health centers, WASH, schools, community centers etc.)
• Jointly with Supply, assist to conduct market surveys on solar equipment (solar panels, batteries, inverters, etc.) available in the country.
• Jointly with Supply, assist to conduct a survey of private energy companies nationwide and select eligible companies to bid on UNHCR projects in refugee camps, working closely with the Supply team in Ndjamena
• Conduct training as required, support and build the capacity of local electricians and skilled personnel to design, install and maintain sustainable energy systems, building on the potential of the Solar Center as an “open door” venue for NGOs, private sectors, development actors, experts.

Clean cooking technologies and electricity access for households:
• Conduct energy needs assessments covering clean cooking fuel and technology access and electrification with renewable energy to support the development of a country-wide UNHCR Sustainable Energy Strategy and ensure a holistic approach to energy access at country level factoring a long terms costs-benefit analysis and feasibility studies.
• Explore the solar powered cooking market in Chad with the support of the Energy Liaison officer based in Ndjamena (following information from the Ministry of Energy).
• Explore and if feasible test the usage and trial of electrical induction stove in Chad.
• Conduct surveys for energy use and data collection across selected priority refugee camps and settlements using state of the art UNHCR data collection and indicator standards and be the energy focal point with TSS (Technical Support Section) together with the Solar Expert of the SDC deployed in Chad.

Operation and Maintenance: supervise and oversee all operations of the Operations & Maintenance.

• Organize technical missions and fieldwork, drafting mission agendas and organizing the logistics and access permissions and do so in close collaboration with other technical units e.g. WASH, health, education etc.
• Test any new equipment or technology whenever available and relevant at the Solar Training Center
• Contribute to the organization of training modules and events at the Solar training center in Abeche
• Assist on water solar pumping design when required (good knowledge of water pumping design softwares desirable)
• Deliver a status report on the energy interventions by UNHCR and partners in Chad, one at the beginning of the deployment, following a desk review of past and ongoing initiatives and a closing report at the end of deployment
• Any other duty as may be required.



Experience in Humanitarian Solar power - i. e. the use of solar energy solutions as a source of electricity for domestic cooking, water pumping and operation of health clinics in humanitarian camp settings”. “Particular experience in solar energy and innovative domestic energy solutions for cooking.

Experience from UN or humanitarian field operations as well as governmental energy initiatives.

A minimum of 1 years’ experience within relevant area of expertise in a Humanitarian setting. Relevant degree in Electrical Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or similar.


Relevant B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering, Renewable Energy Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or similar.


Language: Fluency in French and English is required

Essential requirements
• Technical experience in the use and development of sustainable energy initiatives, ideally gained through private sector and/or electric engineering, renewable energies, and infrastructure projects.
• Good multi-stakeholder management skills.
• Proven ability to work in French, English desirable.
• Result oriented and team player.

Personal Characteristics
• Good analytical and problem-solving skills.
• Excellent communication skills.
• Familiarity with the cultural and political environment in West and Central Africa.
• Multi-tasker and hands-on approach.
• Available for frequent field missions in remote locations.

Other requirements

We are looking for persons with a strong commitment towards humanitarian relief and disaster operations. It is of utmost priority that you understand, respect and act in the spirit of the mandate and core values of the MSB.

Prior to employment a medical examination must be carried out and the results must be approved by the MSB. Certain diseases and conditions can preclude international deployment. If you have any questions regarding the MSB:s health requirements, please contact our medical coordinators,

Prior to deployment you will need to go through MSB's Field Staff Induction course on-line and you may be asked to come to Sweden for a Pre-deployment Briefing.

You must inform your regular employer of your potential assignment with the MSB.

MSB operations are based on the needs of populations affected by crisis, and human equality. Through my behavior and work as MSB field staff, I actively strive to prevent discrimination and harassment based on sex, ethnic origin, age, religion or belief, political opinion, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.


• You must be able to interact with sensitivity and display respect for diversity and gender in multi-cultural environments.

• A capacity for working under pressure is essential, as work is often performed under difficult and demanding conditions, where the focus frequently shifts due to changes in priority.

• You must possess a high level of professional and personal maturity together with an ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues, managers and external partners, such as UN organizations, NGOs, recipient governments and host populations.

•You are expected to have excellent analytical and communicative skills, show initiative and take both a hands-on and an analytical approach to tasks and problems.

Contractual conditions

Working with the MSB on international operations means that you are temporarily employed by the MSB. The MSB pays a salary of 62 250 SEK/month during the mission and you may also receive a salary supplement based on relevant experience if you have experience working in an international organization with duties that are very similar to those of this position. The MSB will also pay an Additional Expenses Allowance of 6281 SEK/month during the time you are working in the mission country. The MSB pays for accommodation of an appropriate standard and return travel plus 3 home leave travels during the contract period. You will also receive a benefits package, ranging from access to psychosocial support, counselling from a Medical Coordinator and Insurance coverage during the mission.

Due to the potential Covid-19 regulations from partner organizations and host countries, we can sometimes not offer this position to unvaccinated people over the age of 60.
The mission is intended to start as soon as possible so in your application please write from what date you are available.

How to apply:
If you wish to apply to this position you first need to create an account on MyPages. Please note; the information that you provide on MyPages will form the basis for your CV. When you have created you account and registered your CV-details on MyPages you submit your application by clicking on the "Apply" button in the add, and the follow the specified steps. If you already have an account on Mypages you can go directly to Apply-botton. If you find any trouble with MyPages, please contact our mypagess support;

It is your responsibility as an applicant to document your skills in a way that allows an objective and qualitative assessment. As a government agency we are subject to the principle of public access to official records. This means that if someone requests copies of application documents, we are obliged to disclose them. If your identity is protected, you should contact the HR officer stated below, before registering any information on MyPages.

Please note that your application needs to be in English.

The MSB will process the applications on an ongoing basis during the application period, which means that we wish you to submit your application as soon as possible. Once MSB has done the selection and found a few final candidates you will then be nominated to the UNHCR. UNHCR will do the final selection and MSB cannot change their decision. If a candidate is accepted then the employment process with start.

Welcome with your application!

Application deadline


Point of contact

Monica Eliasson
This vacancy is now closed.