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Sustainability Framework across Sokoto, Zamfara and Katsina States Northwest, Nigeria

Sokoto | Katsina

  • Organization: IRC - International Rescue Committee
  • Location: Sokoto | Katsina
  • Grade: Level not specified - Level not specified
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Development Cooperation and Sustainable Development Goals
    • Environment
  • Closing Date: 2024-12-31

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the world's worst humanitarian crises, helping to restore health, safety, education, economic wellbeing, and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster. Founded in 1933 at the call of Albert Einstein, the IRC is one of the world's largest international humanitarian non-governmental organizations (INGO), at work in more than 40 countries and 29 U.S. cities helping people to survive, reclaim control of their future and strengthen their communities. A force for humanity, IRC employees deliver lasting impact by restoring safety, dignity and hope to millions. If you're a solutions-driven, passionate change-maker, come join us in positively impacting the lives of millions of people world-wide for a better future.

TermsofReferenceforSustainabilityFrameworkacrossthe3StatesofSokotoZamfaraandKatsina Overview

TheInternationalRescueCommittee(IRC)isimplementinganIntegratedEmergencyResponsetothe displaced

population in Zamfara, Sokoto and katsina Northwest Nigeria covering Zamfara, Katsina, and Sokoto states, in collaboration with consortium partners Cooperazione International (COOPI), Alliance for international Medical Action(ALIMA),LifeHelpersInitiatives(LHI),andGrassrootInitiativeforStrengtheningResilience(GISCOR). This project aims to deliver critical, lifesaving support to conflict-affected populations in these regions.

As part of this effort, IRC seeks to engage a consultant, hereafter referred to as the “Service Provider, to work with key stakeholders across the three states of Zamfara, Sokoto and Katsina states to develop a robust sustainability framework for the Integrated Emergency Response Project of the Displace Population of Sokoto, Katsina and Zamfara states. This consortium has implemented various programs aimed at improving the social andeconomicwell-beingofcommunitiesinNorthwestNigeria.Withtheseprojectsprogressing,asustainability plan is essential to secure long-term impact and continuity beyond current funding cycles.

This Terms of Reference (TOR) outlines the scope and expectations for a consultant to collaborate with stakeholdersinSokoto,Zamfara,andKatsinatodevelopapractical,actionable,andcomprehensivesustainability framework for each state








6thJanuaryto4thFebruary 2025(22workingdays)







Istravelinvolvedforthis activity?


Objectiveofthe consultancy

  • Theprimaryobjectiveofthisconsultancyistodevelopasustainabilityplanthatwill:
  • Ensurescontinuityofcurrentinitiativei.e.theBHAfundedproject, “integratedemergencyresponseto
  • thedisplacedpopulationinZamfara,SokotoandKatsinaStates,NWNigeria
  • Encouragesownershipfromstakeholdersforlocal,StateandNationallevel.
  • SustainabilityFrameworkthataligns theprojectgoalswithLGA,stateandNationalpriorities.
  • Providesaframeworkforresourcemobilization,capacitybuilding,andlong-termviability.


  • Theconsultantwillundertakethefollowingtasks:
  • Engagewithlineministries,departments,agenciesthatarerelevanttotheproject.(MinistryofJustice, MinistryofWomenAffairsandChildDevelopment,MinistryofHealth,PrimaryHealthCare,RUWASSA, Ministry of Budget and planning, Katsina State Social Investment programme Agency (KASIPA) and Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs.Based on the peculiarity of each State.
  • EngagementmeetingwiththeMDAstocomeupwiththesustainabilityframeworkthatoutlineskey goals, objectives, and strategies for long-term success.
  • Productionofsustainabilityframeworkperstates(Sokoto,Zamfara,Katsina)
  • Facilitate consultations and meetings with stakeholders, including state and local government officials, communityleaders,partnerorganizations,beneficiaries,andrelevantNGOstoexploretheirviewsonthe sustainability roadmap
  • Establishperformancemetricsandtimelinestoevaluateprogressonsustainabilitymilestones.
  • Developanimplementationplan,includingcapacity-buildingrecommendationsforlocalstakeholdersto foster ownership.
  • Identifypotentialrisksandoutlinemitigationstrategies.
  • Conductstakeholdersforfeedbackandvalidation.


  • Present the draft sustainability framework for each state encompassing performance metrics and timelines,implementationplan,includingcapacity-buildingrecommendations,potentialrisksandoutline mitigation strategies.
  • Submitafinalreportdetailingthesustainabilityplan,stakeholderfeedback,andactionable recommendations.
  • Documentbestpracticesandlessonslearnedforfuture reference.


TheConsultant(ServiceProvider)isexpectedtodeliver the following:

  • InceptionReport–Detailingtheconsultant'sstakeholderengagementplanandalongsidetechnical proposal, methodology, and timeline for the initiation before awarding of the contract.
  • StakeholderEngagementReport–Summarizingfeedback,priorities,andinsightsfromconsultations.
  • DraftSustainabilityPlan–Includingassessmentfindings,proposedsustainabilityframework, implementation strategies, and funding options.
  • FinalSustainabilityPlan–Arefineddocumentincorporatingstakeholderfeedbackandpractical recommendations for each of the three states.
  • Detailedsustainabilityframeworkforthethreestatesandimplementationroadmaps.

Duration of Assignment: The consultancy is expected to be completed within 22 working days from the start dateoftheengagement.Adetailedtimelineofactivitiesandmilestoneswillbediscussedandagreeduponwith



Partialpaymentof30%beforecommencementandthen70%ofsubmissionofthefinalreportandapprovalby the IRC.

Minimum Qualifications:


Theidealcandidateshould possess:

  • AdvanceddegreeinDevelopmentStudies,PublicAdministration,SocialSciences,orarelatedfield.
  • Atleastten(10)yearsprovenexperienceinsustainabilityplanning,strategicplanning,orproject management, especially within the context of multi-stakeholder projects.
  • ExperienceworkingwithgovernmentMDAsandstrongunderstandingofthesocio-politicallandscapeof the Northwest Nigeria and the humanitarian and development sectors.
  • Excellentcommunicationandfacilitationskills,withatrackrecordofengagingdiverse stakeholders.
  • Experienceincommittingtime,humanandfinancialresourcestoensurethesuccessofprojectactivity implementation and outcomes.


TheconsultantwillworkcloselywithconsortiumpartnersandstatefocalpointsinSokoto,Zamfara,andKatsina States. Regular progress updates are expected to ensure alignment and support throughout the process.



  • Atechnicalproposaloutliningtheirapproachand methodology.
  • Afinancialproposal.
  • CurriculumVitae(CV)highlightingrelevantexperience.
  • Referencesorevidenceofpastsimilarwork.



Confidentiality: The Service Provider must maintain the confidentiality of all sensitive information obtained duringthedevelopmentoftheSustainabilityFrameworkandmustnotdiscloseanysuchinformationwithout prior written consent from the International Rescue Committee.

Termination: The IRC reserves the right to terminate this agreement with or without cause, upon five days’ writtennoticetotheServiceProviders.Upontermination,ServiceProvidersmustceaseallworkandreturnany materials belonging to the IRC.

All applications and submission should be sent to before COB Monday 31st of December,2024

Standard of Professional Conduct:The IRC and the IRC workers must adhere to the values and principles outlined in the IRC Way – our Code of Conduct. These are Integrity, Service, Accountability, and Equality.

Commitment to Gender, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion:
The IRC is committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, respectful, and safe work environment where all persons are treated fairly, with dignity and respect. The IRC expressly prohibits and will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or bullying of the IRC persons in any work setting. We aim to increase the representation of women, people that are from country and communities we serve, and people who identify as races and ethnicities that are under-represented in global power structures.
We do our best to provide you the most accurate info, but closing dates may be wrong on our site. Please check on the recruiting organization's page for the exact info. Candidates are responsible for complying with deadlines and are encouraged to submit applications well ahead.
Before applying, please make sure that you have read the requirements for the position and that you qualify.
Applications from non-qualifying applicants will most likely be discarded by the recruiting manager.