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Associate Governance Coordination Officer


  • Organization: UNV - United Nations Volunteers
  • Location: Lao
  • Grade: Level not specified - Level not specified
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Development Cooperation and Sustainable Development Goals
    • International Relations
    • Democratic Governance
    • Public Policy and Administration
    • Managerial positions
  • Closing Date: Closed


Mission and objectives

Breaking the cycle of poverty in Lao PDR and graduating from the Least Developed Country (LDC) Status represents the heart of the Government’s development aspirations. UNDP has a key role in assisting the country with a smooth transition to non-LDC status, as well as the complex process to strategically raise needed funds for programs that benefit poor people.

UNDP Lao PDR works toward localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), implementation of the 9th National Socio-Economic Development Plan 2021-2025 and, more broadly, Lao PDR’s graduation from the Least Developed Country (LDC) status.

UNDP supports to strengthen the Government’s capacity at central and local levels in ensuring the formulation and implementation of their development plan encompassing all key aspects, such as equitable growth, poverty reduction and environmental sustainability, with special attention given to achieving the SDGs.

UNDP offers ground-breaking research on human development in Lao PDR through supporting the preparation of National Human Development Reports which advocate for policies placing people at the centre of the development process towards inclusive and sustainable growth and the achievement of the SDGs as well as LDC graduation.


The UNDP’s work is strongly focused on the provision of policy advice and technical support to the Government of Lao PDR in the design and implementation of national legislation. UNDP Lao PDR Country Office (CO)’s portfolio consists of three strategic development areas: – (1) inclusive growth and reduced inequalities, including a large support programme to the Unexploded Ordnance/mine action sector, (2) natural resources, climate change and disaster risk reduction, and (3) effective, responsive, and accountable governance (Lao PDR | UNDP).

The Governance, Rule of Law and Human Rights Unit is engaged in various coordination processes and mechanisms that are cross-cutting in nature and critical for ensuring achievement of UNDP’s outcomes in line with national development policies and goals, such as the National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP), UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework and the Round Table Process (RTP). The RTP is an inclusive mechanism in Lao PDR that brings together the government and development stakeholders to enhance the implementation of It facilitates dialogue, resource mobilization, and coordination among various actors to address national development priorities. The RTP aligns with the principles of effective development cooperation. UNDP supports different working groups established as part of the RTP.

Within this framework, the Governance Sector Working Group (GSWG) facilitates policy dialogue on governance reforms, focusing on priorities like governance related NSEDP outcomes, SDGs, and the National Plan of Action on Gender Equality. Through its Sub-Sector Working Groups, it supports technical discussions on public service improvement, rule of law, and institutional oversight.

UNDP also engages human rights reporting which also requires coordination across sectors. The Country Office has a solid history of advancing human rights, particularly through its work on the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and Business and Human Rights. This includes a strong focus on engagement with civil society, which has boosted UNDP’s visibility and leadership in this area. Looking ahead, in 2025 UNDP Lao PDR aims to build on these achievements, positioning UNDP to engage in the period reporting on Universal Periodic Review, a process for reviewing the human rights records of all UN Member States. This will be a strategic opportunity as the government will receive key recommendations in May 2025 to guide future human rights efforts in Lao PDR.

The UNV Youth Volunteer will support the UNDP Governance Team Leader in leading the GSWG Secretariat/RTP to enhance stakeholder coordination, link governance efforts to other Sector Working Groups, and ensure alignment with RTP objectives to advance governance reforms in Lao PDR. They will also contribute and coordinate inputs to planning, implementation and reporting processes related to the UNSDCF Result Group 3 on Governance. Lastly, they will also contribute to ongoing UNDP efforts to support the Government with human rights treaty body reporting.

Task description

1. Coordination and Policy Dialogue:
• Support GSWG meetings, including agenda preparation, stakeholder communica-tion, and follow-up.
• Facilitate cross-sectoral linkages between governance and other SWGs to ensure cohesive policy implementation.
• Support coordination efforts around Results Group 3 planning and reporting as part of the UNSDCF.
• Support the strengthening of human rights coordination at the level of Lao Civil So-ciety Organization Coordination Committee and among civil society organizations (CSOs) and organizations of people with disabilities (OPDs) to enhance the effec-tiveness of holistic and integrated civic engagement in human rights processes.
• Support coordination with OHCHR (UN Human Rights) in organizing the Human Rights Coordination Meeting, part of the regular series of human rights coordination meetings between OHCHR, UNDP, and Development Partners in Lao PDR.

2. Technical Support:
• Assist in drafting sector reports and progress updates for the government line minis-tries involved in the GSWG.
• Assist in drafting reports and presentations for Results Group 3 on Governance of the UNSDCF
• Manage knowledge-sharing platforms to disseminate governance-related insights and best practices
• Support the implementation of a series of trainings to selected CSOs/OPDs on se-lected thematic human rights priority areas, including the production of advocacy materials and tools.
• Assist in implementing a Mock Constructive Dialogue with the inclusion of a former or current ICESCR committee member together with Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
• Assist in the implementation of tangible follow-up actions related to one or more rec-ommendations received under the UPR in support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

3. Stakeholder Engagement:
• Support team leader to coordinate with state institutions, development partners, and civil society to ensure inclusive participation and with other UN agencies as part of UNSDCF planning and reporting.
• Support team leader to coordinate with relevant Ministries, development partners, and civil society organizations inclusion organization of persons with disabilities to ensure inclusive implementation of one or more recommendations received under the UPR.

4. Monitoring and Evaluation:
• Help in developing monitoring tool to track the implementation of treaty body rec-ommendations and developing an advocacy brief for UNDP, UN agencies and other development partners.

5. Administrative and Strategic Support:
• Support Team Leader in ensure effective operation of the GSWG Secretariat and RG 3 inputs to UNSDCF planning and reporting by managing documentation, work plans, and communication channels.
• Support Team Leader in the preparation of GSWG and UNSDCF meetings, both in administrative and strategic matters.
• Assist in organizing training workshops and other events for government officials and civil society on the reporting process and human rights standards.
This vacancy is now closed.