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Biodiversity Finance Analyst


  • Organization: UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
  • Location: Luanda
  • Grade: Junior level - NPSA-8, National Personnel Services Agreement
  • Occupational Groups:
    • Operations and Administrations
    • Banking and Finance
    • Environment
    • Biology and Chemistry
    • Agriculture and Forestry
    • Natural Resource Management
  • Closing Date: Closed


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are core principles at UNDP:  we value diversity as an expression of the multiplicity of nations and cultures where we operate, we foster inclusion as a way of ensuring all personnel are empowered to contribute to our mission, and we ensure equity and fairness in all our actions. Taking a ‘leave no one behind’ approach to our diversity efforts means increasing representation of underserved populations. People who identify as belonging to marginalized or excluded populations are strongly encouraged to apply. Learn more about working at UNDP including our values and inspiring stories.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.  

UNDP's 2022-2025 Strategic Plan highlights our continued commitment to eradicating poverty, accompanying countries in their pathways towards the SDGs and working towards the Paris Agreement. As part of the Global Policy Network in the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support, UNDP's Nature, Climate Change, Energy, and Waste (NCE&W) Hubs promote and scale up integrated whole-of-governance approaches and nature-based solutions that reduce poverty and inequalities, strengthen livelihoods and inclusive growth, mitigate conflict, forced migration and displacement, and promote more resilient governance systems that advance linked peace and security agendas.

In recent decades, biodiversity finance tools and solutions have demonstrated their importance for achieving biodiversity goals and broader sustainable development objectives. Improved choice, design and implementation of effective, well-tailored finance solutions will strengthen countries’ chances of achieving national and global biodiversity targets. Biodiversity Finance Plans have become increasingly recognised as a relevant tool to help countries to identify and fill the biodiversity finance gap, including through the work of the Biodiversity Finance Initiative

The GEF created a global programme to support countries to design a national Biodiversity Finance Plan. 

The implementation of the project in Angola falls under the GEF8 Umbrella programme for the development of the first National Biodiversity Finance Plan. The overall implementation of the project will be led by the Project Lead Finance Analyst with the support of a technical team and in coordination to a government project director and the National Steering Committee. 

For the implementation of the GEF8-BFP Umbrella program at the national level, UNDP is recruiting a national team composed of a Finance Analyst (Project Lead), a Project Support Assistant, a Policy Expert and a Biodiversity Finance Analyst. 

Duties and Responsibilities  

Under the over-all guidance of the Finance Expert (Project Lead), the Biodiversity Finance Analyst (‘the analyst’) is expected to lead the production of the Biodiversity Expenditure Review (BER), the Financial Needs Assessment (FNA) and support the development of the Biodiversity Finance Plan (BFP) following the guidance provided by the latest version of the BIOFIN Workbook and with detailed data.

The Biodiversity Finance Analyst will also, as much as possible, provide input to all other national outputs, including the Policy and Institutional Review. The Biodiversity Finance Analyst could also contribute to the assessment and development of detailed feasibility studies for priority finance mechanisms in the BFP and the production of summary for Policy Makers. The Biodiversity Finance Analyst should provide input to the feedback on the BIOFIN methodological framework.

The Biodiversity Finance Analyst will collect, explore and work on national and subnational level budgeting data and biodiversity expenditures of different organizations, agencies, ministries, NGOs and private sector actors for the production of the BER. For the Finance Needs Assessment (FNA) the consultant will produce a detailed realistic costing of key biodiversity policies and plans – generally focused on the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP). 

The Biodiversity Finance Analyst will produce drafts and analyses that will be reviewed and ultimately validated by the Finance Analyst (Project Lead) and the BIOFIN Global Team.

For the Policy and Institutional Review (PIR)

  • Support the Policy expert in developing an inventory of existing Biodiversity Financing Mechanisms in the country;
  • Support the Policy expert in reviewing of existing economic valuation studies relevant to the BIOFIN process.

For Biodiversity Expenditure Review (BER)

  • Carry out a desk review to map existing studies/information/databases on biodiversity expenditures, including an overview of earlier environmental expenditure reviews; 
  • Develop a proposed national definition for “biodiversity expenditures”, based on the BIOFIN methodology or other methodologies; 
  • Develop a workplan for the Biodiversity Expenditure Review for discussion with the national BFP programme team and GPMTSU;
  • Determine a target list of organizations to include in the analysis based on the PIR work;
  • Collect data for the desk review to map existing studies/information/ databases on biodiversity expenditures, including an overview of earlier environmental expenditure reviews; 
  • Establish, with the support of the Senior Finance Expert (Project Lead), a system to tag biodiversity expenses into categories (GBF targets, BIOFIN categories, NBSAP themes, etc.) and a system of coefficients/attribution to estimate the contribution of mixed actions towards biodiversity; 
  • Gather data from the targeted organizations to conduct the expenditure review on budgets and expenditures. Follow existing methodologies for guidance (includes mapping of sources of funding, subsidies, and biodiversity-based revenues, etc.);
  • Develop tools or Excel tool to analyze the total biodiversity-related expenditures filtered by major strategy groups using existing methodology (or national categories such as in the NBSAP);
  • Coordinate the compilation of relevant data and liaise with relevant Ministries and partners as required and complete all BIOFIN data entry sheets for the BER; 
  • Support the Organization of bilateral consultation meetings/interviews/ discussions with national level stakeholders to define and then validate the attribution of biodiversity significance in all relevant expenditures; 
  • Applying budget projections and other assumptions, estimate future funding baseline under a “Business-As-Usual Scenario”: an analysis of projected estimated funding in the future;
  • Based on international best practices and the BIOFIN methodology or other methodologies, work closely with the Senior Finance Expert (Project Lead) to develop and implement a specific strategy for data collection of the private sector and organize dedicated consultation meetings with private sector stakeholders (e.g. chamber of commerce, multinationals) on tracking biodiversity expenditures; 
  • Based on results from the research, analysis and the national consultation workshop, develop, with the support of the Senior Finance Expert (Project Lead), the draft BIOFIN Biodiversity Expenditure Review for review by the GPMTSU (Global Project Management and Technical Support Unit); 
  • Develop the final Biodiversity Expenditure Review, with the support of the Senior Finance Expert (Project Lead), for review by the GPMTSU and present at the validation workshop.

For the Biodiversity Finance Needs Assessment (FNA)

  • Review the available methodologies, examples from other countries, the latest NBSAP and the National Biodiversity Reports to develop an initial workplan and outline for the FNA; 
  • Consult with the NBSAP team and government entities responsible for NBSAP implementation to obtain background information about NBSAP activities and government budgeting processes; 
  • Work with the Senior Finance Expert (Project Lead) to review the scope of the NBSAP, its alignment with other national policies, and identify policy areas and activities that are not covered by the existing NBSAP; 
  • Review the activities listed in the NBSAP and other key strategic documents to assess if they are detailed and quantified enough for their budgets to be estimated in detail. If not, work with the NBSAP national focal points and other relevant stakeholders to define clearly the NBSAP actions so that they can be budgeted; 
  • Coordinate the compilation of relevant data and liaise with relevant Ministries and partners as required and organize a national consultation workshop to define the financial needs of all major biodiversity programmes; 
  • Develop detailed calculations and complete all datasheets related to the national biodiversity finance needs; 
  • Organize a workshop to validate the cost assumptions and models and refine the analysis through additional meetings as needed; 
  • support the comparison of the results of the BER future projections with the FNA in as great detail as the categories allow and produce an estimate of the financing gap; 
  • Lead the development (with support from the team) of a draft report for the Biodiversity Finance Needs Assessment for discussion at the validation workshop and review by the project national team and GPMTSU; 
  • Support the Production of the final report of the Biodiversity Finance Needs Assessment.

For Biodiversity Finance Plan (BFP)

  • Support the Senior Finance Expert (Project Lead) in the conception and preparation of the BFP; 
  • Support detailed feasibility analyses on a range of financing mechanisms depending on knowledge and experience.

For Project Outreach and Communication

  • Preparation of workshops, meetings, networking and presentations as required, to complete the Biodiversity Expenditure Review, the Financial Needs Assessment and engage stakeholders;
  • Provide substantive comments and feedback on how to improve the existing methodologies.

For Knowledge Management and Reporting

  • Document decisions and assumptions made while completing the Biodiversity Expenditure Review and the Biodiversity Finance Needs Assessment;
  • Document lessons learned from conducting the BFP project ranging from institutional considerations to technical issues;
  • Prepare reports and case studies, as required, for submission to global meetings (e.g. CBD COP).

The incumbent performs other duties within their functional profile as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Office and the Organization.

Institutional Arrangement

The Biodiversity Finance Analyst will be under the direct supervision of the Project Lead/Sustainable Finance Analyst “Project Lead” and the Country portfolio lead on Nature, Climate and Energy. UNDP shall be entitled to intellectual property and other proprietary rights over all materials that have a direct relation to the project.



  • Achieve Results: LEVEL 1: Plans and monitors own work, pays attention to details, delivers quality work by deadline
  • Think Innovatively: LEVEL 1: Open to creative ideas/known risks, is pragmatic problem solver, makes improvements 
  • Learn Continuously: LEVEL 1: Open minded and curious, shares knowledge, learns from mistakes, asks for feedback
  • Adapt with Agility: LEVEL 1: Adapts to change, constructively handles ambiguity/uncertainty, is flexible 
  • Act with Determination: LEVEL 1: Shows drive and motivation, able to deliver calmly in face of adversity, confident
  • Engage and Partner: LEVEL 1: Demonstrates compassion/understanding towards others, forms positive relationships
  • Enable Diversity and Inclusion: LEVEL 1: Appreciate/respect differences, aware of unconscious bias, confront discrimination  

Cross-Functional & Technical competencies 

2030 Agenda: Nature, Climate and Energy        

  • Ecosystems and biodiversity: Biodiversity Finance

Business Development: Knowledge Generation            

  • Ability to research and turn information into useful knowledge, relevant for content, or responsive to a stated need

Business Development: Collective Intelligence Design             

  • Ability to bringing together diverse groups of people, data, information or ideas, and technology to design services or solutions

Digital & Innovation: Data storytelling and communications    

  • Skilled in building a narrative around a set of data and its accompanying visualizations to help convey the  meaning of that data in a powerful and compelling fashion.

Digital & Innovation: Data Governance

  • Knowledge of data science, skills to develop data management tools, organize and maintain databases and operate data visualization technologies

Digital & Innovation: Data Collection

  • Being skilled in Data Sorting, Data Cleaning, Survey Administration, Presentation and Reporting including collection of Real-Time Data (e.g. mobile data, satellite data, sensor data).

Digital & Innovation: Data analysis       

  • Ability to extract, analyze and visualize data (including Real-Time Data) to form meaningful insights and aid effective decision making.
Required Skills and Experience 
  • Advanced university degree (master's degree or equivalent) in finance, economics, business management or a closely related field is required;
  • A first-level university degree (bachelor’s degree) in combination with an additional two years of qualifying experience will be given due consideration in lieu of the advanced university degree. 
  • Applicants with Master’s degree (or equivalent) in a relevant field of study are not required to have professional work experience. Applicants with a Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) are required to have a minimum of two (2) years of relevant professional experience at the national or international level in  environmental finance, accounting, economics, management or related field.
Required Skills:
  • Proven experience in collaborating with international and national experts and institutions;
  • Proven knowledge of key software packages (MS Office); 
  • Ability to work with a multidisciplinary and multicultural team. 
Desired Skills:
  • Exposure to environmental issues or biodiversity is desirable;
  • Previous experience with expenditure reviews would be an asset; 
  • Familiarity with the government is strongly desired;
  • Proven previous experience in drafting reports on environment related policies  writing and communication skills;
  • Proven ability to prepare publications, reports and presentations
Language Requirements
  • Fluency in Portuguese and good working knowledge of English is required.

Applicant information about UNDP rosters

Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.


UNDP has a zero-tolerance policy towards sexual exploitation and misconduct, sexual harassment, and abuse of authority. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.  

UNDP is an equal opportunity and inclusive employer that does not discriminate based on race, sex, gender identity, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, age, language, social origin or other status. 

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The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.
This vacancy is now closed.