When you need top talents dedicated to making an impact
Tap into our diverse pool of over 800.000 impact talents
No credit card required. No strings attached.How it works
Create free account
Start by making a free account for your organization. Add more team members to collaborate on your job postings.
Make your job post
Start posting right away. Our easy to use system has all the options you need for targeting the right candidates.
Choose your reach
Post to Impactpools job board, and promote your job via social media or our newsletter. You decide the reach.
Manuel Brakaj,
Team Lead - Talent Pool
- United Nations Volunteers

Supercharge your process with our Talent Suite
Get ALL your jobs posted automatically published on Impactpool at the best price.
AI algorithm trained on 1.000.000 job descriptions from 2.700 impact organizations
Sector-customized recruitment tools to manage the whole recruitment process.
Understand your recruiting efforts by showcasing ROI in our easy-to-understand analytics dashboard
Make a talent pool pipeline website and attract great talents by showcasing open positions.
We have API integrations with the tools you already use such as Teamtailor, Workday and SAP.